Soup Tips

Soup! Soup! My favourite dishes. How to cook a nice soup? Here are some few tips.

1. 如要用肉类煲汤时,记得先要“飞水”。这不但可以除去血水和一部分的脂肪还能避免过于肥腻。但是,如用鱼就不能飞水,反而要把鱼两面先煎一下让鱼皮定结。这不但能使到鱼不容易腐烂,而且还能除掉腥味。

2. 煮肉汤时必须先用大火,然后才用小火煮透,再改打火。俗语说要够火候!





Day to day

Day 1
Saturday. Just stayed at home, unpacked my luggage and cleaned my room.Went cycling 很久没做这运动了。

Day 2
Today I attended our church worship. Just surprised that some old ladies are aware that I am not around for some weeks and my Sunday School children kept on asking me where have I been. Kind of lost touch with what is happening in the church.

Went swimming and played badminton with my family at the club today. After that, we went to 牛车水for our dinner. The food there is quite nice. Started reading church history, but still have a long way to go. My plan is to complete the whole book by this week.

Day 3
Went for lunch with my mom and my sis. I sekali gus visited 3 aunties today. They were quite surprise that we turn up and see me around. Later I only found out , while I am not around my uncle was admitted to the hospital and requested all his bro and sis to visit him. But he is ok now.

And the most happiest thing for today is Mom got her result and everything was clear. Thank God for that.
Oh ya! I went jogging with my nephew today too. What a long long long time since I jog. haha. One of these day I must go play squash too before the semester start!

Day 4
Went to fixed my car today. Spent 1.2k just to fix the air-conditional. But thank God for preparing the money for me in advance. Well talking about God's faithfulness..... I am never lack of anything .....need money-God will prepare; lost my phone and God gave me a better phone - and better still someone will pay for the phone bill; just came home and someone gave me a love gift; went holiday and someone bank in the holiday money for me; someone even arranged another holiday for me this coming weekend. Sometimes its hard to deny my 神学生涯is really running very smoothly. How can I deny God really want me to work full time for Him. May the name of the Lord be praise.

Went to have Steamboat buffet with my family today at Sunway. The shop that we usually went to was closed, so we tried another restaurant opposite. The seafood offered there was really great, ate lots and lots of Crab (肉螃蟹some more!), Prawns, Scallops, Oyster, 竹炭 etc. They said since I did not get to eat my favourite chicken wings and ice cream ( winter melon flavour ) they sure will eat steamboat buffet again before I start school again. But how can you talk about eating again when you are so so so oooooo full! and they even plan to eat Shogun this coming Friday! but I think I will rest my stomach! Haha but who knows, once I am hungry I will change my mind!! hehe

Day 5
I spent the whole day tutoring my sister on how to prepare my church monthly leaflet or bulletin. While spending a day at her house can really see how busy a mother can be. Thank God I am still single and have all the freedom I want.

Day 6
Spent the whole morning cleaning my car - wash, vacuum, taking out all the things inside, making sure there is no STM leaves stuck between any place etc. Than spent the afternoon and evening with my beloved Yi Ma. She is really getting old but great that she come visit and we have tea time. Something don't know good or bad, while at home I can really have lots of opportunity to eat a lot, breakfast, lunch, tea time, dinner, supper la! How to get slim like that!

At night, I encourage my sister in law to join the Adult Fellowship so which in turn I need to join too. So our whole family ( really whole family Mom, Yima, SIL, bro, me, sis, BIL all joined the Adult Fellowship. After the singing session, the pastor said: Today everyone enjoy singing right? and the singing session improved a lot!" it makes me wondering how the usual singing session is like??? puzzle me! moreover the singing session was not like the usual "above par session" it is so ordinary. Later, after talking to my sis only found out that, that day everybody sung and the song leader did not prepare 5min before hand. And of coz there is someone like our gang turning up that day to sing out loud! hehe.

after the fellowship, the pastor encourage me to involved in youth and adult ministry when I graduate. But lets see how God is leading.......

Day 7
Today is Holiday! Wesak Day!
Our whole family went Dim Sum breakfast than the whole gang went to the nearby park for the younger generations to play around.

The rest of the day, I fetched my younger sister to work and I spent the whole day at Cannaanland helping her to pack the books for Sabah books fair and tidy up the books around. Time really goes very very fast doing my sister's work. Ones don't even have time to mengantuk! coz you won't have time!

Evening, the rest of the family went for Dinner. but I did not join in, so only me and maid around eating dinner at home. This turn I offered to cook! So terbalik, I cooked for the maid instead of her cooking for me. Hehe! After the heavy packing work at Cannaanland and maybe some other coming issue I felt so tired so I slept earlier than CS! I guess! ( which is before 12! )

12D 学期末旅游


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全体照。准备要出海了!+2 -2


12D的"lei pai"相聚分享时候。分享题目:这学期最快乐的事情。回想经过一年半的神学生涯,有什么感受。最经典的有:“一切都是以泪水换取的”; “感谢神,没有早一年进,也没有迟一年进”; “是一班有内涵的”等等。


以上是我们12D(不是榴梿新的品种!12D代表12个Disciples ) 在这学期未一起去Pulau Tioman 3天2夜的照片。特别喜欢这一年一度的环节-2009年生一起聚集的日子。可以一起玩,一起真情分享的日子。

最畅快的是当我们大家一起在船尾喊 “我们做完功课了!我们现在要去玩了!”


在这一年半的神学生涯,听过不少人comment我们这2009年生不团结,很闷,很少一起谈天等等 。但其实我们都不约而同的认为,我们都很感谢神我们不是早一年进或迟一年读神学。我们进神学院的时间是刚刚好的!是最适合我们的!我们其实是彼此珍惜的!就如当天有人分享说,我们是有内涵的二年生!笑里藏刀或见面时多多话有何益呢?

同时我也很赞成一位姐妹的分享,我们这二年班有几个很特别的特色。 就是,我们都不会去彼此比较我们的分数,也不会去比较个人的优点和缺点。每人尽力做好自己的本分,彼此鼓励与代祷就好。你说,我岂能不为我这班同学感谢神呢!

记得学期开始的时候,因为功课太多,很怕做不完,兼顾不来。开始的时候,有些同学劝勉我不要拿太多的学分,因为刚过的学期的科目比较重。但是因为一些私人的原因,我不得不拿多一个科目。因此导致我从学期头就开始做功课到学期尾。The negative side, 我承认有一些科目我无能好好的掌握,一些科目如希伯来文我也没有尽全力。但是我希望我的选择是值得的。(这也提醒了我,现在学了我要知道的质料。如果我没有好好的去应用帮助他人就白费了,所舍的就不值得了!)

最为经典的是当我仍然在质疑神的信实的时候,我同时需要做一份哲学功课“苦难与上帝的沉默”。一个在怀疑神信实的人,又如何能辩证在苦难的时候,神仍然是信实的?要做好这功课,首先自己需要被调整。但是感谢神身边有一班的姐妹和bear bear为我祷告。最后我也顺利的完成了这份功课。

