Greetings everyone! Thank you for visiting my blog. Well, it is quite obvious I am new blogger right? ( coz cannot see those beautiful pictures nor link to site etc. )
Well, hope that this will not take up much of my time. Coz time is precious nowadays and usually I can sit infront of the computer for hours. Hope that I can learn something from this too.
Besides, please feel free to pen down some comments.
短片改编自首相纳吉的2013年贺岁短片。 由于原视频完全没有故事性可言,西西留决定把原视频改编成一个小故事,同时通过数码剪接技术,让故事陈述更流畅。
整个剪接过程大概花了三个工作天,也当作是复习音效剪接、 Adobe Primere 和 AE 的影片修改技术,其中包括 rotoscoping
11 years ago